End Your Carb Confusion – Eric Westman MD

End Your Carb Confusion – Eric Westman MD

Feeling overwhelmed by the plethora of diet and health information? Tired of investing time and money in complex, expensive plans without desired results? Wondering if a strict ketogenic diet is suitable for you? Craving simplicity in understanding diets?  End Your Carb Confusion.

Discover End Your Carb Confusion

Look no further! Eric Westman, MD, an experienced internal medicine doctor and obesity medicine specialist, has the answers. With over twenty years of experience, he has helped patients at his Keto Medicine Clinic at Duke University lose more than 26,000 pounds and reverse various conditions. In this cornerstone book, he shares his time-tested, science-backed strategy with you!

Transform Your Health

If you’ve tried “all the right things” but still struggle with excess weight, diabetes, heartburn, joint pain, fatigue, or skin problems, this book is the GPS you need. Navigate from frustration and disappointment to empowerment and success. Determine the right carbohydrate intake for you and learn how to adjust it when needed. Dr. Westman provides the essential information for reclaiming your health today—no complicated jargon, just straightforward guidance.

A Simple Plan for All Lifestyles

You don’t need a PhD, private chef, or fortune to lose weight and get healthy. The simple, adaptable plan in End Your Carb Confusion fits any lifestyle, whether you shop at an organic co-op or a discount chain. Catering to various preferences, this plan accommodates gourmet meals and fast food. No matter where you’re starting, End Your Carb Confusion can lead you to a renewed body, mind, and spirit.

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