52 Week Keto Success Journal – Paperback

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James Hooper is a keto success story in progress. Although he has not finished the journey, over the course of five years he has lost 163 pounds on the ketogenic diet. He has dropped six pant sizes. Many health conditions have improved, including his A1c dropping from 6.5 to 5.2, basically a reversal of Type 2 Diabetes. Atrial fibrillation, heart failure, and kidney disease all improved.

This journal incorporates important elements which helped James and will help you find success too!

  • Weekly Keto Goal
  • New Food of the Week
  • Weekly Log of Thoughts and Feelings
  • Water Intake
  • Non-Scale Victories
  • Inspirational Quote
  • Recommended Keto Expert and Publication of the Week

We hope you enjoy this publication and that you find the health you richly deserve.

May God richly bless you in your journey!

Find out more information at KetoDietStart.com or KetoHyperdrive.com, including links to other books authored by James.

Note: Interior Pages are Black and White.

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